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  • How much?
    One T shirt: $45.00 plus applicable taxes. Two: $80.00 plus applicable taxes. Three or more? Please contact me.
  • Can I get a "one-off" and not become a member?"
    Non-members can buy a minimum bulk order of 20 t shirts (one colour), with the same saying. $45+hst/ shirt. If Members love one particular saying and they would like to share the love, they can order a minimum bulk order of 20 t shirts, with the same saying @ $45+ hst/ t shirt. For members and non-members, shipping is included for one address, as all t shirts will be delivered to one address in one container.
  • Do I get to choose what goes on my t shirt?
    The website gives some examples of how the Hope and Lions brain works. You can make leave it up to divine chance and your T shirt can be a surprise, or you can contact me and I'll give you the latest sayings of which you can choose.
  • What colours do I get to choose from?
    White, black, or grey. For now. You can specify one colour, or two or three or choose "random". Please let us know what colours you dream about.
  • How do I pay?
    After you fill out the I would like to buy form, I'll contact you with
  • When will I receive my surprise t shirt?
    I mail out all t shirts on or before the 14th of every month, so it depends on exactly when it is mailed and where you live. Shipping is standard, so approximately 7 days after mailing. Covid may cause some delays at this time.
  • Can I cancel at anytime? How do I stop my subscription?
    This is a month to month subscription program, with a six t shirt minimum. As much as I would love to see you stick around forever, you can cancel anytime after 6 t shirts. Just send me an email at and i will stop the automatic billing.
  • What are the styles of t shirts?
    Crew neck or V neck, short-sleeve cotton T. The grey sometimes has a bit of polyester in it, to give it that heathered look. Let me know if you like it more fitted or more roomy and I'll adjust the sizing accordingly.
  • I have another question.
    I love questions. Just shoot me an email
  • What the heck do some of the sayings mean?
    Each saying is open to your own interpretation. I can share mine with you, maybe over a coffee someday. It is your interpretation that counts.
  • What if I get a t shirt that I just can't jive with?
    If you don't like that we sent you "Oogabooga" or "traumatraumatraumatraumatrauma" or some of the other off-centre sayings. Just let us know and we will resend you sometthing hopefully more palatable to you. Hope and Lions wants you to be happy.
  • Can I just get a "one-off" and not become a member?
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© 2020 by Rebecca Hope Terry.

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